SAL 998 Minutes – Aug 7, 2017
In attendance: Don Stepp, Casey Johnston, Marty Kopitsky, Jack Mcgaritty, Jeremy Herb
MINUTES: Minutes were read. Motion to accept minutes by Casey second by Marty. Motion passed by majority vote.
FINANCE: Checking account July 31,2017 is $3,762.42 Savings account July 31, 2017 is 2,617.99. List of donations totaling $9,340
7/11/16-Moself RBI baseball donation $400
7/11/16-First Baptist Church donation $300
8/3/16-Erica Horstfaig Memorial Fund donation $200
8/3/16-AFSP Suicide walk donation$250
9/25/16-Jacob Maddigan Eagle scout project $500
9/25/16-SAL post 272 Davis Adams dumpster donation $500
9/25/16-Healthy steps diaper donation $1,000
11/7/16-SAL squadron 272 scholarship raffle $100
11/9/16-CD Rams club donation $250
11/10/16-Lawton Legion Post 998 Veterans Dinner Donation $100
11/11/16-American Legion Post 998 Veterans Day Dinner Tickets $110
2/13/17-American Legion Post 72 SAL donation new flag pole $300
2/13/17-PA Wounded Warriors donation $500
2/13/17-Bethesda Mission Donation $1000
2/13/17-American Legion Riders Post 730 donation $50
3/29/17-Lawton Athletic Association/Sponsor Little League Baseball $300
3/29/17-Auxillary Post 998 PA Girls State donation $200
4/22/17-Post 72 Ham Hop $80
5/16/17-American Legion Child Welfare Fund donation $600
5/12/17-PA Special Olympics donation $500
5/12/17-Childrens Miracle Network donation $500
6/7/17-Stand Up and Play Foundation donation $1000
6/11/17-American Legion 19th District donation $.50 per member (600) $300
7/10/17 First Baptist Church $300
Motion to accept finance report by Casey second by Jack. Motion passed by majority vote.
COMMITTEE REPORT: no committee report
OLD BUSINESS: BBQ Chicken expenses total $918.40 total sales $1005 total profit $86.60. Motion to accept Old Business by Marty and Second by Jack. Motion passed by majority vote.
NEW BUSINESS: Don spoke about our yearly donations listed in finance report. Looked at and spoke about who we should focus on for donations as a squadron. Don spoke about annual Erica Horstflaig memorial golf tournament Sat Aug 26th and donations available going to 7 Sorrows. In past we’ve donated $250 because of recent review of donation focus we will not donate this year. Motion for discussion tabled for next meeting by Jeremy second by Don. Motion to accept new business Marty second by Casey. Motion passed by majority vote.
FOR THE GOOD: D.E.C. meeting Sunday Aug 13th at our post 998. Casey spoke about Post 72 holding Foglemans Wounded Warrior Music Fest in Annville Sept 9th 9am-11pm Poster on Board. Motion to accept for the good by Casey second by Marty Motion passed by majority vote.