SAL 998 Minutes – October 2, 2017

In attendance: Gary Price, Don Stepp, Tony Harris, Jack McGarritty, Gary Snody, Marty Kopitsky, Dave Caruso, Jeremy Herb

MINUTES:  Minutes were read from August and September.  Motion to accept by Gary Price second by Tony Harris.  Motion passed by majority vote.

FINANCE:  Savings $3,206.10 Checking $2,518.64.  Motion to accept finance report by Jeremy Herb second by Tony Harris.  Motion passed by majority vote.

COMMITTEE REPORT:  At 5% for 2018 target of 568.  Motion to accept report by Marty and second by Tony.  Motion passed by majority vote.

SICK CALL:  Casey in Hershey Med Center room 5252.  Blaine’s mother passed and Howard’s mother passed

OLD BUSINESS:   Discussion about chicken BBQ Pros and Cons and possible building of a Pit.  Motion to accept Old Business by Jeremy and second by Tony.  Motion passed by Majority vote.

NEW BUSINESS:  Motion to have a poster offering donations to give bartender for Casey and to donate 2 October breakfast profits to him made by Marty second by Jack.  Motion passed by majority vote.  Request made by Blaine to not send flowers and use the money to donate for the cost of the wake.  Motion to donate $100 to Blaine made by Marty second by Tony.  Motion passed by Majority vote. Motion to provide $100 to Howard for his mother’s passing by Dave second by Gary Price. Motion passed by Majority vote. Don spoke about A.J. Sallusti memorial scholarship fund, motion to donate $300 by Gary Snody second by Gary Price. Motion passed by Majority vote.  Gary Price spoke about Legion College Oct 28th at Cumberland Valley Middle School.  Dave talked about donating to those in need from the recent hurricanes. Gary Price motions to donate $100 to Salvation Army second by Dave.  Motion passed by majority vote.  Motion to accept New Business by Jeremy second by Tony.  Motion passed by majority vote.

FOR THE GOOD:   Gary Price read thank you card from Barbara Schmidt from suicide prevention.  Gary read thank you letter from Jason Kees from the Child Welfare Foundation.  Presented a plaque that is showing in our display case. Gary read about the Breast Cancer Coalition for the kickoff of Breast Cancer Awareness month on Oct 2 at 11am at the Capitol.  Tony motions to purchase a dozen of the 100 year Legion coins second by Dave.  Motion passed by Majority vote.  Motion to accept For the Good by Jeremy second by Gary Price