SAL 998 Minutes – May 1, 2017 

In attendance: Gary Price, Don Stepp, Tony Harris, Jody Lindsey, Casey Johnston, John McGarritty, Gary Snody, Marty Kopitsky, Dave Caruso, Jeremy Herb, John Clea Jr

MINUTES:  Minutes were read from April meeting by Jeremy.  Motion to accept by Don Stepp second by Casey Johnston.  Motion passed by majority vote.

FINANCE:  Savings $5,047.18. Checking $3,845.44.  Motion to accept finance report by Jeremy Herb second by Casey Johnston.  Motion passed by majority vote.

COMMITTEE REPORT:  88% need 67 for 100% Motion to accept report by Don Stepp and second by Tony Harris.  Motion passed by majority vote.

OLD BUSINESS:   Discussed Annual Detachment meeting.  Issued check to CD Colts for $500 Discussed chicken BBQ on July 22 $8 per ticket for half chicken, baked potato, roll, butter and applesauce.  Motion to accept date and chicken BBQ price by Casey Johnston second by Tony Harris.  Resend Motion by Gary Price second by Casey Johnston.  Gary Nominates Tony Harris for Committee Chairman for the chicken BBQ second by Casey Johnston. Motion passed by Majority vote.  Motion to accept Old Business by Casey Johnston and second by Jack McGarritty.  Motion passed by Majority vote.

NEW BUSINESS:  Don spoke about National Sons and donation to Children’s Miracle Network.  Tony Harris motions to donate $500 to Children’s Miracle Network second by Jack McGarritty.  Motion passed by majority vote.  Don spoke about PA Special Olympics.  Casey Johnston motions to donate $500 second by Marty Kopitsky.  Motion passed by majority vote. Jack McGarritty spoke about his son’s golf tournament which was tabled for next meeting.  Gary Price gave Officer Nominations Gary nominated Don Stepp for Commander.  Gary Price Letter of Intent nominated Blaine Simpson for Sr. Vice Commander.  Gary Price nominated Tony Harris for Jr Vice Commander.  Gary Price by Letter of Intent nominated Kris Adams for Finance Officer. Motion to accept nominations by Casey Johnston second by Tony Harris, motion passed by majority vote. Gary Price spoke about 19th District Gun Raffle on June 11th $10 tickets, money from ticket sales must be turned in by June 5th for June meeting.  Motion to sell tickets by Jack McGarritty second by Don Stepp, motion passed by majority vote.  Motion to accept New Business by Casey Johnston second by Marty Kopitsky.  Motion passed by majority vote.

FOR THE GOOD:   Nothing for the good.