SAL 998 Minutes – March 6, 2017
In attendance: Gary Price, Don Stepp, Blaine Simpson, Tony Harris, Jody Lindsey, Jim Durrman, Casey Johnston, John McGarritty, Gary Snody, Marty Kopitsky, Kris Adams, Dave Carus, Willie Russ
MINUTES: Minutes were read by Dave Caruso. Motion to accept by Blaine Simpson second by Kris Adams. Motion passed by majority vote.
FINANCE: Savings $5,328.92. O,ecking $3,235.18. Motion to accept finance report by Blaine Simpson second by Marty Kopitsky. Motion passed by majority vote.
COMMITIEE REPORT: 84% need 31 for 100% Motion to accept report by Don Stepp and second by Blaine Simpson. Motion passed by majority vote.
SICK CALL: Chad Ingram Mother
OLD BUSINESS: Bricks tabled for April meeting. 1,144 in sub sales 269.39 in supplies for a $874.61 total sales profit. Discussed Internet project logo. Marty will do logo choice. Motion to accept Old Business by Kris Adams and Second by Blaine Simpson. Motion passed by majority vote.
NEW BUSINESS: Aux asked for support to sponsor 2 people for Capital Project Don motions for a
$200 donation second by Blaine. Tom Dragsdale to support little league baseball motion do donate
$300 by Blaine second by Kris. Chili cookoff $100 entry fee with $125 in supplies total of $225 for chili cookoff motion for Chili made by Kris second by Blaine Motion to accept new business by Blaine Simpson second by Kris Adams. Motion passed by majority vote.
FOR THE GOOD: District Meeting April 1 at Sheron Motel Lindel Road at 10:30am Headquarters Round up Sunday 6-11 Noon Wormleysburg. Motion to accept new business by Kris Adams second by Don Stepp Motion passed by Majority vote