SAL 998 Minutes – June 5, 2017
In attendance: Gary Price, Don Stepp, Blaine Simpson, Tony Harris, Marty Kopitsky, Kris Adams,
MINUTES: Minutes were read from the May meeting. Motion to accept minutes by Blaine Simpson second by Tony Harris. Motion passed by majority vote.
FINANCE: Savings account balance as of May 31, 2017 $5,334.66. Checking account balance as of May 31, 2017 $1,718.39. Motion to accept finance report by Blaine Simpson second by Kris Adams. Motion passed by majority vote.
COMMITTEE REPORT: For renewals, we need 30 to come in to be at 100%. At 91% now. Motion to accept report by Kris Adams and second by Blaine Simpson. Motion passed by majority vote.
SICK CALL: Richard J. Murphy Junior passes away on June 3rd. Motion by Blaine Simpson to donate $100 to St. Catherine Laboure per his Memorial Fund Wishes, second by Kris Adams. Motion passed by majority vote.
OLD BUSINESS: Blaine met with the brick people, and said he will have costs by next meeting, so he will bring it up again as new business. Discussed Chicken BBQ, and we sold about 70 tickets so far. Discussed gun raffle tickets for the district, and we need to try and sell 300. Motion to accept Old Business by Kris Adams and Second by Blaine Simpson. Motion passed by majority vote.
NEW BUSINESS: Enola has a golf tournament on August 26th at 8AM a $70 per person, or $280 total for a team of 4. There was no motion on a donation. There is a Gold Tournament for Justin McGarrity, a veteran, for August 19th at 7:30AM. This outing raises money so Justin can use a lift chair to golf again. A motion to donate the full $1,000 sponsorship was made by Tony Harris and second by Blaine Simpson. Motion passed by majority vote. Motion to accept new business Blaine Simpson second by Tony Harris. Motion passed by majority vote.
FOR THE GOOD: District Meeting is this Sunday, June 11th, at 11:30 at the Wormleysburg Legion. Set up is Saturday at 8:30AM. The Special Olympics and Child Welfare Fund sent a thank you note for our donations. Ballots were held and no one contested the candidates. They are as follows:
Don Stepp – Commander
Blaine Simpson – Senior Vice Commander
Tony Harris – Junior Vice Commander Kristopher Adams – Finance Officer
Motion to destroy the ballots by Gary Price seconded by Blaine Simpson.
Motion passed by majority vote.