In attendance Gary Price, Don Stepp, Jeremy Herb, Blaine Simpson, Tony Harris, Gary Snody, Jack McGarritty, Howard Hursch, Howie Hursch, Kevin Johnson

MINUTES:  No minutes-Gary Price says minutes will be at next meeting 

FINANCE:  Savings account $2,184.48. Checking account $2,779.95.  MOtion to accept finance report by Gary Price and second by Tony Harris.  Motion passed by majority vote.

COMMITTEE REPORT:  at 90%.  need 54 by next month. Motion to accept committe report by Jack McGaritty second by Marty Kopitsky. Motion passed by majority vote.

OLD BUSINESS: Pushed to next meeting

NEW BUSINESS:  Gary Price needs volunteers to go to headquarters to help set up Saturday 8 am and Sunday at 11am to tear down.  Don spoke about Toys For Tots on Aug 11 4-some golf outing, tabled to next meeting.  Don spoke about Wilhelm/Paxtang Baseball asking for donation for sponsorship.  Motion to donate $250 by Gary Snody second by Jack McGarrity motion passed by majority vote.  Don spoke about 998 Scholorship Program with application of Justin Dale Gary Price motions to accept application second Blaine Simpson, motion passed by majority vote.   Motion to accept New Business by Blaine Simpson and second by Gary Price.  Motion passed by majority vote.

FOR THE GOOD:  Tony Harris spoke about Parade on July 14th.  Don spoke about Chili cook-off…..again, good job.

Officer nomination ballots:

Commander – Don Stepp

Vice Commander – Blaine Simpson

Jr Vice Commander – Tony Harris

Finance Officer – Kris Adams

Sgt at Arms – Marty Kopitsky

Chaplain – Howard Hursch

Historian – Jeremy Herb

Motion to accept Ballot by Gary Price second by Marty Kopitsky Moyion passed by majority vote.